IMG Unity

Who we are

A medically-trained workforce with a mission to make an impact on the world.

IMG Unity is a global movement of medical students and graduates committed to creating a future where all vulnerable patients have access to essential medical care. United by our belief in global health equity, we recognize that each of us holds the power to make a difference in the world.

What We Believe

Every individual possesses an inherent right to access essential healthcare services. This fundamental right forms the cornerstone of a just and equitable society, where the well-being and dignity of every person are upheld. Regardless of socioeconomic status, geographical location, or any other defining characteristic, the assurance of essential healthcare services ensures that no one is left behind or deprived of their basic needs. It is through the recognition and fulfillment of this right that we strive to foster a world where health disparities are minimized, and every individual can lead a life of health, dignity, and opportunity.


Our Vision

Our vision is of a world where every individual can access essential healthcare, supported by both current and future physicians dedicated to achieving global health equity for generations to come.

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Advancing Global Health Equity

We are committed to advancing global health equity, ensuring access to essential healthcare services for every individual. This mission lies at the heart of our organization.


Our key priorities to advance global health equity:

  • Access to Healthcare: Champion universal access to essential health services, including preventive, curative, and palliative care, without financial hardship.
  • Health Infrastructure: Support the strengthening of healthcare systems, including infrastructure, workforce, and supply chains, particularly in underserved areas.
  • Health Education: Promote health literacy and education to empower individuals and communities to make informed decisions about their health and well-being.
  • Equity in Healthcare Delivery: Support policies and interventions that address disparities in healthcare access, quality, and outcomes based on factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, and geography.
  • Collaborative Partnerships: Foster collaboration between governments, non-governmental organizations, healthcare providers, academia, and the private sector to leverage resources and expertise for collective action.
  • Community Engagement: Empower communities to actively participate in decision-making processes related to their health and well-being, ensuring that interventions are culturally appropriate and responsive to local needs and preferences.

Uniting Medical Students & Graduates

We unite medical students and graduates in serving humanitarian causes. This is not just what we do, but it defines who we are and how we drive meaningful change.


Our key priorities to unite medical students and graduates:

  • Foster networks and solidarity to empower individuals, recognizing that our collective strength is maximized when we stand united.
  • Strive for a more diverse and inclusive movement, understanding that a breadth of perspectives, approaches, and ideas strengthens our identity as a global health organization.
  • Establish a networked unity agent leadership to effectively reach and engage all medical schools, raising awareness of pressing global health issues.
  • Deliver comprehensive global health education to emphasize the importance of achieving global health equity as a primary objective.
  • Embrace emerging advocacy trends, ensuring our organization remains at the forefront of innovative strategies to leverage our influence and enact meaningful change.